Church of the Whirling Hub

I originally wrote the story, The Church of the Whirling Hub, for my Media Writing graduate class at Duquesne in May 2020. It was a profile story of my friend, Rocky, who was 72 years old at the time. The story described how he rediscovered the joy of cycling in 1989 once he realized that he would not be around much longer if his short frame continued weighing 210 pounds. I was eager to write about the importance of cycling, not only on his health as he ages, but also on his mental well-being. Other interviews and research further backed up the benefits that Rocky had been experiencing.

The profile became more than a story just about Rocky. He became an instrument of inspiration to everyone getting older - especially men - whom the research identified as more at risk of severe illness and suicide as they age. More than just exercise itself, the community and camaraderie surrounding an active lifestyle were found to be the keys to a longer, healthier life. This formula is what Rocky has cultivated in his cycling club.

75th birthday boy, Rocky (left), and almost 70th birthday boy, Dan (right)

Today, Rocky turned 75 so we went on a 75-kilometer bike ride to celebrate. It was the most perfect bluebird sky birthday I had ever seen. Smiles were in abundance. The wind was minimal and the temperature a perfect 60F degrees. The night before, I made a batch of Rocky’s favorite chocolate-chip-walnut cookies and passed them around several times when we stopped to take a simple rest and enjoy the sunshine.

The winter has been long and cold in Pittsburgh. None of us has ridden many miles since December. Today, we hit some of our regular stretches for the first time this year. “This hill got steeper,” was uttered under duress by everyone at some point. But it didn’t matter how much longer it took us to pedal up to Hickory or over Hornhead. We were sharing stories, laughing, and enjoying the company of The Church of the Whirling Hub.

As for whether Rocky can do 75 miles at 75 years - without a doubt. Every July for the past 20 years, he has completed the regional two-day, 150-mile Bike MS fundraiser, so this July he will do a 75th birthday double. Here’s to many more miles and cookies, Rocky!

Cookie powered

75 kilometers never looked so good!