My Watch Has Ended

As they say on Game of Thrones, “My watch has ended.” Peace out Seattle. Peace out NOAA. After almost 25 years in Seattle and 17 years at NOAA it’s time for me to close this very long and remarkable chapter. I’ll be opening a new one in Pittsburgh in a few weeks, back with my family and its wonderful community there, excited for new opportunities as yet to unfold. I’ll be able to ride bikes with my Dad (if I can keep up), walk a big fluffy dog around the neighborhood, listen to church bells, and enjoy people dropping by the house just because they were thinking of you. The brutal winters and I, however, will need to come to an understanding because that’s one of the reasons I moved away to the land of mild winters and evergreen trees. I truly will miss the rain.

A huge thank you to the small tribe of women (and a few good men!) who helped me through this transition. I love you all to the ends of the earth and look forward to getting together with you there

I will be going to Italy for a bit in the spring to “convalesce” (you knew I had to sneak that in) so I’ll bore you all with more photos of the joy that Lake Como and its people bring me. Want to come over and ride or just il dolce far niente? I WILL HOOK YOU UP.

I put together a little collection of my favorite memories from my time in Seattle and at NOAA. I only wish that the 90s in Seattle were captured on digital. Back then I worked at an actual Starbucks store and at the Seattle Aquarium playing with baby otters. I'll have to keep those memories of making drinks (by hand!) for Courtney Love and the cast of the X-Files fresh.

I Worked With Great People and accomplished amazing things

I Climbed Mountains and Played in the Ocean

And yes there were bikes

SeattleJill Greco BodnarWork