I miss....

  • Home.

  • My new home away from home full of bike parts and bike language and grease and dreams and good people. My fairy god-father. I called him the other day and it was good to hear his voice.

  • Rosemary

  • My singlespeed Fat Chance

  • My friends. All my friends. The laughter. The smiles. The bonds. The hugs.

  • Dark beer. I will drink a porter and drink it slowly and savor every sweet sip of flavor over my tongue.

  • My morning ride to work and the sights and sounds of a city freshly cleaned by the dawn.

  • The Ballard Bridge. The mass of aged concrete and rebar and its colorful murals.

  • Coffee shops. As ubiquitous as they are, it's good to know they're around.

  • The Arboretum. To get away from it all.

  • KEXP.

  • The grungy, crunchy, liberal, whiney people of Seattle.

  • Grungy, crunchy, liberal, whiney people's newspapers.

  • Organic food.

  • Reading a book.

  • My wool hats. I knew I should have brought one.

  • My sweet wool bike jerseys! Arrggggg I knew I should have brought one of those too.

  • Rainier and the other mountains.

  • The trees. Oh how I miss the big evergreen trees.

  • And the water. The smell of salt water and being so close to the deep, cold ocean.

Photos USCG and NOAA